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A line

Words, ideas, conversations use them. So they're pragmatic. How else would you understand if I am talking about a dining table or my panties. How else would you know that I am talking? Not dancing. Lines also frustrate. Because lines are artificial/constructed/contingent/imagined/geographic. Where I put the line is as definitive as/ a particle's location at every moment. So then, there is no inherent difference between my table and your panties. Yet furniture and underwear still appear as necessary and fashionable within the human infrastructure. And humanity is not artifice. Nor is saying "humanity is not artifice." So what then do we do with a line? We draw it. Detach from it. Explore it. Blog it. Blur it. Obliterate it; momentarily. Become it; momentarily. Translate it; momentarily. Why? Because humanity is artifice.


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